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Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to visit the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC or the Moving Wall as it traverses the country.

​The Virtual Wall is an online version of the Vietnam War Memorial and was first open to the public on March 23, 1997. On that date the phrase "The Virtual Wall" was established as the unique trademark for this web site with personal memorials to Vietnam War casualties.

You can search the Virtual Wall by name, city or state. You can then access the soldier's full memorial page or print out the rubbing of their name.

The Virtual Wall was opened by Jim Schueckler, a Vietnam (War) veteran who founded The Virtual Wall Association. Several persons who served in Vietnam, both civilian and military, and several persons with friends or relatives killed in Vietnam have served on its advisory board. The concept of internet memorials to Vietnam War casualties was first used on the web site of the Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, (an organization that no longer exists) and on the Vietnam Veterans Home Page. The leaders of those web sites served on the board and helped to create this web site dedicated solely to such memorials.


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